Products The items and amenities that we are going to offer are hot drinks. For instance tea, coffee, lattes, hot sweets,. Unique International collegeDEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A BUSINESS PLANRAJU NIROULA UIC00664Assessment 1Table of ContentsTable of Contents2Business plan 1:3Quality Training3Critical Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan3Strengths of Quality Training:3threats:3 Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses:3Personal contacts:4Business plan 2:5Workout gym enterprise Plan5Sport therapy business plan5Workout gym company Plan:5Weakness:6BSBMGT617A DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A BUSINESS PLANAssessment Task 1 Analyse a Business PlanBusiness plan 1:Quality TrainingQuality Training has been working as a Registered Training Organization for twelve months. The targets of Quality Training are to generate a profit, grow at a difficult and attainable rate and to be a good corporate citizen. The project of Quality Training is to exceed our customers’ expectancies by providing them with beneficial classes and advancement amenities, relevant to their needs and according to countrywide quality standards.